Title I funds are provided by the federal government to eight schools in the Lauderdale County School System (LCSS) for the 2018-2019 school year. Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the schools’ existing programs. These dollars are used for (a) identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students’ meet the State’s challenging content standards, (b) purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies, and/or (c) conducting parent and family engagement meetings/trainings/activities at the local schools. These federal funds are in addition to available state and local funds provided to all schools in LCSS.
Each Title I school develops a Continuous Improvement Plan to describe its program for the school year. The CIPs and the Board-approved Title I Consolidated Plan are available for review by the public. Plans are located at each local school's office and at the Lauderdale County Central Office. Local CIPs can also be found in the Quick Links menu at the top of this page.
Procedures for parent complaint or disagreement with the local schools’ Continuous Improvement Plans and/or Title I Consolidated Plan are as follows: Parents should submit to their local school or to the Lauderdale County district office any complaints or concerns they may have regarding any component of the CIP and/or Title I Consolidated Plan. The comments will be forwarded to the local school’s CIP committee and/or the district’s Title I Advisory Committee. Upon receiving the complaint, the committee will review the plan and decide if any adjustments need to be made.
A Title I school must be identified as a school-wide or targeted assistance school. n order to be served as a school-wide school, the free/reduced lunch percentage must be 40% or greater. To be served as a targeted assistance school, the free/reduced lunch percentage must be 35% or greater. For the 2018-2019 school year, the Lauderdale County School System will serve eight schools with Title I funding. The following schools will be served school-wide: Brooks Elementary, Central School, Lauderdale County School, Lexington School, Rogers School, Underwood School, Waterloo School, and Wilson School.
For more information, please call 256-760-1300 or your local school.
It is the policy of the Lauderdale County Board of Education that no one will be excluded from participation, be denied benefits, or be discriminated against in any school program or activity based on sex, race, religion, belief, national origin, ethnic group, color, age, or disability.