Title I Program

  • Parents,

    The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires that each Title I School informs parents of the following:

    • Your school’s participation in Title I
    • Requirements of Title I
    • Your rights as parents to be involved

    LCHS is a Schoolwide Title I School. In a schoolwide environment, all students and teachers may utilize any books, materials, software, etc., which are purchased with Title I funds.

    Since LCHS is a Title I School, it receives federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs and parent and family engagement rights.

    Any Local Education Agency (LEA) with Title I allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of its allocation for Parent and Family Engagement. Of that 1%, 10% may be reserved at the LEA for system-wide initiatives related to Parent and Family Engagement. The remaining 90% must be allocated to all TItle I Schools in the LEA. Therefore, each Title I School receives its portion of the 90% to implement school-level Parent and Family Engagement activities.

    The LEA Title I Consolidated Plan addresses how the LEA will use Title I funds throughout the school system. The Plan also addresses the implementation of the Parent and Family Engagement requirements of the ESSA of 2015.

    The ACIP is our School’s Continuous Improvement Plan. It addresses LCHS’s implementation of the Parent and Family Engagement requirements of the ESSA of 2015.

    The School-Parent Compact is a commitment from the school, the parent, and the student to share in the responsibility for improved academic achievement.

    You may request the qualification of your child’s teachers at anytime. Forms are available on the school’s website, in the Elementary Office, and in the High School Office.

    Any ideas, suggestions, or comments may be given to the Parent Advisory Committee throughout the year. The Parent Advisory Committee consists of the following members:

    Carla Clemons
    Edith Fuqua
    Corey Looney
    Charis Ritter
    Candace Springer

    Thank you for working with us to help your child achieve academic excellence.

    Laina Ellick

    Reading Interventionist
    256-247-3414 ext. 17168

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